In this post, I'll be sharing with you some of the outlines to getting in shape, keeping healthy or etc etc etc. I don't want to jump directly into the main topics, lose my readers interest and you feeling more confused at the end. Let's just put it like this: Basics first, more in-depth stuff later.
Firstly, let me just say that the info I post up will be relevant for ALL types of people. What I'm saying is that this stuff I have to offer isn't only for professional gym trainers or experienced bodybuilders, but it can be by ANYONE. So you don't have to worry! Just remember that whatever I post up, it's for YOU as an individual. Of course, not EVERYTHING will work out for everyone. We're all unique in our own way. But I'll give you help to overcome that problem in the coming posts.
Okay, so let's get started!
To get in shape, you need to shed fat (if you're overweight!). To maintain your health, you just have to eat and exercise REGULARLY (I will talk about that later on). To improve your physical body, you need to gain muscle.
For now, I will talk about fat, as there is too much information and I don't want to compile all of it in just one post.
So how DO you shed fat? The answer is dead simple: Create a calorie deficit. So what's this? Well, a calorie deficit means that you burn more calories than the calories you consume through your meals everyday. There is no other way to shed fat. There are two ways to create this calorie deficit: 1)Decrease your calorie intake from food or 2) Increase the amount of calories you burn through exercise. Pretty simple, indeed! Just eat less or do more exercise it means.
Decreasing your calorie intake from food is the best way to keep fat off your body permanently although it requires alot more dedication and time. Burning calories through exercise is also good, don't be mistaken. It requires a shorter time but just be keep in mind that you can get those calories back if you're not careful.
Now let's talk a little about calories. Calories, we all know about them. To many of us, calories are considered to be BAD. Well the truth is, it's NOT actually bad. It's just that we've only seen one side of calories. There are 2 types of calories: Good calories and bad calories. Judging by many peoples perspective on calories, you probably know which side they were only looking at. If you consume good calories on the other hand, they will benefit your body such as, high metabolism, automatic fat-burning and much more values! We will go through all these in the future, I guarantee!
Okay so here's a question that some people ask: How much calories should I take in then?
Well the answer for everyone is different. I will give you the calculations for calorie intake, deficit and so on in the coming posts. For now, I'll give you an accurate estimation. For adults, the amount of calories needed for the body in a day could be anywhere close from 2000 to 2600 calories, depending on the weight, size and metabolism of the person. For me it's around 2100 calories. These calories include your basal metabolism and your daily activities such as running, walking and even thinking.
What's basal metabolism? Well, basal metabolism is the amount of energy expenditure in a day. It means the amount of required energy (in this case, calories) needed to JUST maintain all your internal body functions such as the work your liver does, your heartbeat and so on. All of these add up to become the basal metabolism.
Note: Metabolism is not the same as your basal metabolism. Metabolism, by itself, refers to the activity of your cells. For example, when you finished your cardio, you are said to have a high metabolism. It means that the activity of your body cells is high. Therefore, you burn more calories.
Some of you may have heard the phrase, "turn your body into a fat-burning furnace", "burn fat without doing anything", "turn your body into a fat-burner" and so on. Well, this is a true statement. It can be done. But they make it sound TOO easy. We all know that it's easier to say than to do. So let me break it down for you. Turning your body into a fat-burning furnace may be a basic to some, but a well kept secret to most people out there. So lucky for you, I'm going to spill the beans! To turn your body into a fat-burning furnace, you need to raise your METABOLISM. Yes, you read correctly. Increase your metabolic rate. As I've said earlier, a high metabolism means high body cell activity. So think carefully... Where do the body cells get their required energy to become highly active?
BINGO! They take your calories stored in your body. These calories can be stored in a number of areas in your body.
1) As glycerol (originally carbohydrates such as rice and corn and fruits).
2) Lipids (originally from fatty food like butter and lard) and
3) Protein (originally from meat sources and dietary products like egg and milk)
There may be other areas the calories are stored in, but the vast majority is from these 3 areas.
But be careful, different conditions can cause your body to use different sources of energy such as high metabolic rate and starving condition.
(This is a very good method of burning fat, indeed. But if you depend solely on this, you'll never reach the best results! I will teach you to combine all that you will learn and help you reach the best of yourself)
In many other posts, I will touch on various in-depth and detailed topics which will help you in your quest for better health. Once you have all of this knowledge, shedding fat for you and building muscle would be like reading A,B,C! You will be able to turn your body into one of the best and effective fat-burning furnaces too.
So this is where I stop for the time being, but don't worry! This topic requires a more deeper approach and I plan to give it to you in the posts to come! It's a vast topic, but if you absorb it into your mind bit by bit, you'll be able to understand a whole lot more of stuff!
To end my post, let me just sign off with a short saying:
It Is Better To Go Slow And Learn Something Than To Go Fast & Ultimately Learn Nothing
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