Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fail To Plan ... Plan To Fail - PART 5

Focus To Get Power!

To achieve something, you need to focus your subconscious mind on it. To that, you just have to think about something. Now, everyone can think. If I ask you to close your eyes right now and think of a dog, you'll most likely be thinking of it the next instance you finish this sentence! You can't NOT think about something whether you want to or not. It's either of the two: You think and you don't think. Usually, you really don't have to control your thoughts throughout the day because most of them are on "autopilot". This means that you don't have to consider anything and your mind just automatically thinks up the stuff saved in your mind relating to that thing.

So when you're on autopilot, you have not much control over your thoughts (or only after you've finished thinking of it, then you realize!). But what you didn't realize is that it consists of both positive and negative thoughts. And, which ever side dominates the most of your total amount of thoughts, then that's the direction you'll be heading for, regardless of whether you want to or not, positive or negative.
So now that you know about this, you have to make a point to keep track of your thoughts. Make sure that they aren't negative thoughts. If they suddenly come up, hit the "Next" button or the "Switch" button to change it into a positive thought and tell yourself that you aren't going to believe that stuff and immediately declare an affirmation opposite to that bad thought. You can do it inside your mind or speaking it out loud.

Here a some negative statements:
Why can't I lose weight?
I'm not growing any muscle.
I always skip my meals.
I hate cardio.
I'm always feeling tired when going to the gym.
I look fat every time I look in the mirror.

Research has shown that in one day, we can think up to around 60,000 thoughts. That's one day! But it's pretty unfortunate that it is also shown that most of what we think is actually negative and that thought is most probably the same thought you had the day before or in the past (remember: "autopilot").
Though it is safe to say that you CAN reprogram yourself and it is possible to take 100% total control of your thoughts. Believe it! Sounds a bit insane, but it IS possible. To achieve a 100% total control over your thoughts, it requires a lot of effort and awareness. This is because you need to watch over or guard your thoughts. It can be quite tough to block all negative thoughts out of your head even for one day. But in time, you will be able to reprogram your subconscious mind and master it so don't worry!

In the previous part, you learnt that you need to cancel out your negative statements of positive ones. This is the FIRST step to focus on your thoughts: You need to be conscious! What does that mean? It just means you have to be aware of the thoughts in your head. Once you're aware of it, you can make corrections to it. No one will know what you're thinking, only you. So that means no one can help you unless you help yourself first. This consciousness will also apply to other things in life. For example, when you say "I'll try", correct it and replace it with the phrase "I'll do it". Instead of "I may have to", replace it with "I must". You can also see other examples of correction.

Positive statements (refer to the negative statements section above to relate these two):
How can I lose weight and find it enjoyable and fun?
My muscles are growing every single time I hit the gym.
I always take my meals in correct proportions and put my meals as my first priority.
I am getting leaner after each cardio I do.
I get so motivated when I go to the gym.
I love the way I look in the mirror.

Now that you understand the works and wonders of your mind why goal setting really does work, I will be revealing to you one of the most powerful goal setting formulas. It is divided into 11 Steps and all of them are essential so I'll have to compile it in just one post (which will be the next). That's a lot of typing. Wish me luck!
Stay Healthy and Focus Hard!

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear." By Brian Tracy

"We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what's wrong in your life, or you can focus on what's right." By Marianne Williamson

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