The reason why most people sabotage their efforts to lose weight
(Please read the previous posts if you haven't already. This is to make sure you understand what's going on)
A good analogy can be given to show how the conscious and subconscious minds work together. Imagine the conscious mind as the captain of a ship. Then, imagine the subconscious mind as the sailors working in the engine room. When the captain sends a command down to the engine room, the men working there will carry out his orders no matter how stupid it can be. They would follow the captain's orders even until the ship crash into something else! The reason for this is simple: The men in the engine room can't see what's going on outside. They only follow what they are told to do. That's their main purpose: To carry out the captain's commands no matter if it's a wise one or not.
So this is basically how your conscious and subconscious minds work as well. If you think that "I'm not going to lose weight" and keep saying it repeatedly to yourself, your subconscious mind will make sure you never lose any weight. This is because of the way you were programmed. In this case, your subconscious mind was programmed to stop you from losing weight at all cost. I know this is not what anyone of us would want, but that's what ultimately happens when you have too many negative messages wired into subconscious mind.
There are a few examples of what negative messages can do to you. First, they can lead you to cheating on your diet. Secondly, they can make you skip your workouts. Third, they might lead you to giving up on your health because everything for you seems so hard to accomplish. There are, of course, many other ways negative messages can influence you to self-sabotage.
However, if you insert in positive messages, then your subconscious mind will make sure you achieve whatever you're aiming for. So ensure that you send the right messages to your subconscious mind!
As I said earlier in my previous post, constant repetition about what you think or do will slowly be integrated into your subconscious mind. Remember, it's an involuntary thing until you actually process it. What you want, you keep and what you don't want, you discard. How do you discard it? By overwriting or deleting it. You can overwrite it with something that opposes the whole idea of it. Example, 1+1=2. But what if you wanted to change it? All you had to do is put 1+1=3. Just substitute it with another answer. Same goes for other things. If you only had 2 meals a day, then substitute it with 5 meals a day. The starting process can be hard, but it's worth it. If you want to delete something, you erase it. Let's say you have the habit of eating snacks late at night. How do you overcome it? By deleting it. You need to make it a point to get rid of it. Once you stop, it can be very tempting to start it again. But if you do get through it, you'll realize that you don't feel tempted to snack late at night anymore. This is because the habit has been erased from your subconscious mind.
Tip: Some things are nearly impossible to be 100% deleted once they've became part of you. For example, you're a professional basketball player. One day, you decide the stop playing basketball for a few years. 7 years later, you took up basketball again. So yeah, your skills and techniques are probably all rusty by now, but you wouldn't completely forget how to play basketball.
People who say that positive thinking, affirmations and declarations don't work are using it wrongly. Something like the best phone in the world, but you don't know how to use it. People experiencing these thoughts are probably using them incorrectly,inconsistently or both. Furthermore, they cancel out their positive messages with negative messages. Say for example of the captain and his ship. The captain says "Go west". Then he says "Go east". Then he says "No wait, go north". As a result, the ship doesn't go anywhere because the captain is always cancelling out his previous command with a new one. This is the reason why so many people aren't getting anywhere in their health, fitness or weight loss goals. So the thing is, after you set your goal, you need to make sure you don't go and cancel it off with other negative thoughts that oppose it.
Here's a little more information.
Your subconscious mind is at work or active 24 hours a day whether if you're conscious or not conscious. It's always working.
Here's a quote from Denis Waitley.
It says,
“Since we become what we think of most of the time, whatever we are thinking of now, we are unconsciously moving toward the achievement of that thought.”
So what are you thinking now? 'Cause whatever it is, you're heading for it!
An alcoholic - The next jug of beer. A thief - The next person to rob. A student (in my case) - The next exam. A bodybuilder - The next workout.
Well all things must come to an end: That includes this post.
I hope that you've learnt something from all that I've shared. More updates will be coming to you soon!
Stay healthy and think healthy guys!
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