Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fail To Plan ... Plan To Fail - PART 3

Okay, so here's part three of this important topic!
So let's begin.

What Thought Does
Ask yourself before you get on a nutrition program or workout: What is the one thing you need to do before you EVER start it? The one thing you need to do is to make up your mind to do it! With all those goals spinning around in your head all day, you'll never lose track of your aim. Thus, you'll find it easier to succeed compared to other people.

Now, you may ask what's the deal with thinking of it all day. Well, what I'm trying to say is that when you have set your goals properly and you know what you want, you won't be tempted to do other things to "sabotage" your progress in achieving your goal. In a way. goals give you the energy needed to resist temptations. That being said, I can assure you that without a set goal, even the best nutrition program in the world won't help you. If you're wondering, the energy I am talking about is "will-power". Have you found wondered why on some days, you can't get up to go to the gym, or stay on your no-cookies diet, or even get up early from bed for school? The reason for this is the negative programming of your subconscious mind. (If you don't understand what I am talking about, please refer to the previous parts). When a negative programming is wired into your subconscious membrane, you stand to develop bad behaviors (a.k.a. BAD HABITS).
However, if you turn this around and reprogram your subconscious mind with positive messages, then the effect will be in the opposite direction. You'd be going to the gym half an hour earlier than your usual time. You'd never cheat on your nutrition program. You'd be at school even before the sun was up!

The power you harness through your subconscious mind is truly amazing. Programmed properly, you'll be able to cultivate good habits which will also serve as an advantage in your life.

"Mental component reprogramming"
As you know, the two main areas of the mind we are focusing on are: The conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Difference? The conscious mind is somewhat in charge of taking information it gathers from all your five senses. It is the section which analyzes problems, makes conclusions and uses logical reasoning. The subconscious mind, however, is in charge of the body processes that are usually behind the scenes. For example, breathing, heartbeat and digestion and of course, sorting out stored data in the brain and turning it into behaviors (habits).

It is important that you understand that while the conscious mind is always active (like right now you're reading this and processing it voluntarily), the subconscious mind does not "think". It does not use logic. It is actually like a computer. The data you save in your subconscious mind is translated as always true. No matter how illogical something is, but if it reaches your subconscious mind, it will be interpreted as correct. Remember: Your subconscious mind does not use logic to decide what is true and what is false. Everything that comes to it WILL be accepted!

There are a couple of ways to access the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is one of them. Another is repeated affirmation or declaration out loud or during deep relaxation (when the body is calm and at rest). Though there is a slower way but I believe is the simplest, but perhaps not the easiest... Another way to get into your subconscious mind is through repetition. Everything you see, hear, taste, feel and smell will eventually start to sink in to your subconscious mind. This is what we call "reprogramming the subconscious mind through external stimuli". What it means is that external factors slowly start to reprogram your subconscious mind and make them part of it. Thus, leading to habits. Here's an example: Badminton. When you first start playing, you find it hard to move to the correct positions to return your opponents serves. But as you become more regular at it, you find that you don't really have to think. It sinks in and you don't need to think about the next step because it just comes to you naturally! In this case, it is called natural movement or also known as instinct. When the shutter cock flies over, you instinctively know what to do. This is because you've REPEATED it before. The more you repeat, the more you'll get used to it. That's the main reason why athletes, football players, basketball players and other sports people have to undergo training!

So there you have it! The ways to access your subconscious mind! You should try it!

Well, this is all the time I have for this post at the moment. I'll be continuing when I have more time. Going to hit the gym now :). Anyway, before I sign off, allow me to give you a short quote:

"Practice Makes Perfect"

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