Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fail To Plan ... Plan To Fail - PART 2

Hello again. I shall be continuing off from my last post which would be part 1 of this little topic I'm discussing about; which would be goal setting. If you don't really know what that is or haven't read any of my previous posts, please refer to the previous posts I have on my blog. That way, you'll have a clear understanding of what I'm talking about.

So let's get started!

In this part, as I said earlier in the last post, I will share with you a powerful goal setting formula which you can use to help you achieve any goals you have in mind (whether it's losing fat, maintaining weight or building muscle). But before I go to that, let me just take some time to share with you the real importance of goal setting and why this is the step which decides whether you succeed... or you come tumbling down. I just realized that it is important to let my readers fully understand this chapter of health and fitness. Therefore, I will have to postpone the goal setting formula until I can finish this part. Sorry to disappoint some of you :(. But I promise once I'm done with this part, I will start to write on the goal setting formula I was talking about. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I just want to ensure that you didn't miss out on any small, important details. After all, this content I'm sharing is all for YOU. All for my readers. You read it, you got it! It's simple! :).

And on with the post...

Nutrition and exercise can be very confusing subjects if you're a beginner and if there is no one to guide you through it. Your first challenge would be to actually KNOW what you're doing. You need to understand where something is taking you. Since I'll be helping you already, you won't have much to worry about! Trust me. However, gaining knowledge is only half the battle. Another challenge is to apply your knowledge through your actions. You need to understand that there is a huge difference between knowing what to do and doing what you know. This is where goals take up their roles as the bridges that span this gap.

Goals can be anything from doing well in your exam to getting a six pack. Goals, when planned properly, produce the required action. Goals drive you. Goals motivate you. They inspire you to reach your target without fail. Honestly, I've never seen anyone fail when they have their goals planned out. Furthermore, goals give you energy. It gives you power. It gives you the ability to do your workout and never come close to failure. You may or may not have noticed, but most people at the gym experience "up" days and "down" days. What I'm trying to say is that they have their good days (where they can lift up to any weight there is) and they also have down days (where they feel like they don't even have enough energy to complete their workout). Imagine what could happen if every time you went to the gym, you would always have an "up" day. The results you would be beyond your expectations because every time you hit the gym, you're all fired up! Like you're high on who knows what! But the only reason you're high is because you're MOTIVATED!!!

Goals are the ones that motivate you to get up early from bed and hit the gym. Goals are the ones that decide what occupation you are going to have. And yes; goals are the ones that decide how much fat you will lose. The secret to staying motivated, in any situation, is to set emotionally charged goals - in writing - and to stay completely focused on these goals 24-7. You heard me, that means day in day out, in the day and at night. A goal is like fuel that propels you forward. Do not think that this will become a burden in your life. Make it part as your daily routine. I'll show you after I've said what I still

Now here's an interesting fact. Did you know your behaviors are NOT controlled by your conscious mind? It is actually controlled by your SUB-conscious mind. If something just doesn't seem to work for you or if you know what to do but you can't find yourself to do it, it's likely that you have some negative thoughts or conflicting messages transmitted to your subconscious mind. It might not make much sense to you, but hopefully this next part will help you get the idea. The behaviors that are produced from your subconscious mind are called... Habits! And like all habits, they can be reprogrammed to become habits which will benefit you in your goals. You can rewire your habits to delete those bad ones and insert in positive messages that will turn you into a positive person as well!

Now, I won't be able to finish up this part of goal setting in this post alone, sorry. There's still a few more things I believe is important regarding the importance of goal setting. But, as I said earlier, I hope you guys understand that I'm doing all this for you guys. I sort out the content I publish in order so you guys can find it easier to understand what I'm trying to deliver. In short, I'm just trying to make it all sound like a story.

Thanks for your guys understanding. Remember: I'm doing this all for you guys!
Till next post, stay healthy and remember to read through some of my previous posts as well as this one again. You might have forgotten some of the stuff I was talking about so it wouldn't hurt to quickly refresh your memory. Stay tuned. Bye!

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